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Manage your property with minimal hassle.

Do away with the manual Excel spreadsheet and tedious admin tasks

Best Practices Enforced

Have the power of a full real estate agency at your fingertips for a fraction of the price. With RealToro, property management practices can be executed by everyone on auto-pilot.

Owner's Portal

The owner’s portal is the central space for any owner to quickly view all pertinent information about their property portfolio.

Automatic Billing

Every month-end usually requires your team to manually generate the rental invoices for the month – with this solution, this critical task can be automated, saving your team hundreds of cumulative man-hours.

Automatic Follow-up Messaging

If a tenant does not pay the month’s rental, the system will automatically send reminders, and optionally charge late fees for late payments, after informing the tenant of the upcoming charge.

Accounting & Reporting

Easily manage your accounting books for your properties without the hassle of understanding which accounts should be credited, and which should be debited. All this logic is hard baked into the system, while still allowing for the flexibility to accommodate different use cases.