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We have built in numerous features specifically meant for making the lives of property managers, tenants, accountants and maintenance staff as easy as possible.

Property Management
made super easy

The entire lifecycle of a tenant can be managed through the solution – from the signing of the lease to its termination. With RealToro, you can have a virtual property management agent, with all the rules and logic of a human hard-coded, ensuring consistency throughout all your properties.

Reduce your workload by 50%


Every month (or period set), invoices for the period are sent to active tenants, and follow-up notifications are automatically sent thereafter. Send invoices to tenants automatically every month without any effort

Collection Management

Follow-up notifications for outstanding late rentals are automatically sent to the tenant until payments are received and processed on the system. Automated follow-up message sent to tenants up until payments are received, reducing delinquent payments

Payment Approvals

All tenant payments will need the approval of an authorized team member for them to fully reflect in the reports, reducing fraud. Ensure rentals are actually collected and approved by management

Lease Management

Always stay ahead of expiring leases and lease terms, and securely store all leases digitally


Track maintenance work orders from the beginning to the end

Tenant Management

Manage tenants easily from signing of the lease all the way to exit

Advanced Reporting

Generate professional reports with the click of a button, and/or export them

Expense Management

Manage recurring or once-off expenses and allocate them to accounts


Maintain accounting standards effortlessly with a fully-fledged, double-entry, accounting system which can generate numerous reports on-demand

Document Management

Keep track of all your documents, both current and past, and retrieve them from the cloud from wherever you are

Staff Management

Allow access to your team and track their activity and engagement. Each team member can be given roles and access rights to different features on the app

Audit Logs

Every action taken by any team member to change any record is added to log files which the admin can easily search and filter